Sixth Assembly
The Florida Interfaith Climate Actions Network held five assemblies before COVID19. We're excited to gather again. Extreme weather has become a regular feature now. We will explore our emerging intentions in the unfolding trauma of creation.
The interaction of our social, political, economic, and personal behaviors are unfolding both opportunities and crises in all life-systems.
Our intimate affair with the universe is a single, gorgeous, celebratory event we live out in all our relationships on Earth and in space.
With growing awareness of the beautiful, yet often horrifying, interweaving of human actions in the cosmic unfolding, we conscientiously move towards enhancing life systems and universal wellbeing.
We can all improve the environment

For Earth
As we understand more how wonderfully interrelated all life is,we become part of the unfolding response to renew creation.

For People
As weather extremes increase and become more frequent, the disruption and suffering in our lives becomes unavoidable, yet even now we can still act to mitigate and reverse potential damages.

For the Commons
As we act intentionally to address climate change, we re-discover the Commons nd its critical function for sustainable wellbeing.
Want to know more about FL-ICAN? Check out our previous assemblies.