Register for the Assembly
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An Outline of the Assembly. Times of the workshops may be adjusted as needs arise.
Note Friday and Saturday are at Trinity Lutheran Church, 401 5th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Sunday the Cosmic Mass is at the Coliseum (across the street).
Date | Time | Focus | Track | Title | Facilitators |
3/21 | 7:00 PM | People | Presentation | Earth and Community Healing in a Time of Crisis: The Need for Ritual | Matthew Fox |
22-Mar | 9:00 AM | Plenary | Welcome & Land Acknowledgement | Russell Meyer | |
9:15 AM | Earth | Presentation | Global and Local impact of Sea Level Rise: the overwhelming role of human activities | Harold Wanless | |
10:30 AM | People | A Policy | What’s driving Florida Energy Policy | Susan Glickman | |
Commons | B Action | SELF Climate Equity Loans that Transform Lives | Richard Montoy | ||
People | C Narrative | Climate Communication 101 | Ellen Siegel | ||
11:30 AM | People | B Action | Climate Cafe: how to cope w/climate anxiety | Belina Meador | |
Earth | A Policy | Ecology and Water Justice in Florida | Joseph Bonasia | ||
Commons | C Narrative | The New Story | Bill Bilodeau | ||
12:45 PM | PEC | C Narrative | Preparing for the Cosmic Mass | Skylar Wilson | |
2:00 PM | People | B Action | A Friendly Guide to Perma[nent] Culture | Beverly G. Ward | |
People | C Narrative | Care of Creation in Christian Liturgy | Gabriel Morgan | ||
Earth | B Action | 1000 Plots of Life – Rewilding Florida | Tim Sallin | ||
3:00 PM | People | C Narrative | Climate Justice and Eco-Poetry | Aryaana Khan | |
Commons | A Action | The Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty | Orla O’Reilly Hazra | ||
People | B Action | Going Solar – and Paying for It | Julia Herbst | ||
4:00 PM | People | C Narrative | African-American Heritage Tour ($20 Due on Tour) | Gwen Reese | |
Earth | B Action | The 15th Street (Urban) Farm | Emmanuel Roux | ||
7:00 PM | Commons | Presentation | Reclaiming the Commons: The Story of the Gas Light District | Gwen Reese | |
People | B Action | World Café: Sharing Our Intentions | The Connection Partners | ||
23-Mar | 10:30 AM | People | B Action | Open Space: Planning Our Intentions | The Connection Partners |
10:30 AM | PEC | B Action | Setup for Cosmic Mass | Skylar Wilson | |
2:00 PM | PEC | Presentation | The Cosmic Mass: Our Sacred Earth at the Coliseum | Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Fred Johnson | |
5:30 PM | PEC | Presentation | Dinner @ 15th St EcoFarm ($45/60 seats) | Emmanuel Roux | |
4/27 | 3:00 PM | Zoom | Follow-up On Intentions |
Facilitators | Title & Description in order of appearance |
Matthew Fox | Earth and Community Healing in a Time of Crisis: The Need for Ritual: Reclaiming ritual in a secularized world to heal and renew community and creation |
Russell Meyer | Welcome & Land Acknowledgement |
Harold Wanless | Global and Local impact of Sea Level Rise: the overwhelming role of human activities in driving global and local sea level rise – too fast and too soon. Latest understanding of the climate conditions affecting the Gulf |
Susan Glickman | What’s driving Florida Energy Policy: The story behind Florida’s over-reliance on methane fossil gas. |
Richard Montoy | SELF Climate Equity Loans that Transform Lives: Climate Equity Loans that Transform Lives. |
Ellen Siegel | Climate Communication 101: This Interactive session will provide climate science basics, some of the serious impacts of a warming world, solutions you can actually do, and how to engage folks without enraging or terrifying them. Grounded in creation care, you can work miracles of engagement. |
Belina Meador | Climate Cafe: how to cope w/climate anxiety: What do peer-led pop-up “climate cafes” look like; how to create them in communities |
Joseph Bonasia | Ecology and Water Justice in Florida: ““Human life,” Pope Francis writes in Laudato Si’, On Care for our Common Home, “is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbor, and with the earth itself.” Yet, the planet is in a state of climate crisis. “A legal framework which can set clear boundaries and ensure the protection of ecosystems,” Pope Francis states, “has become indispensable.” This workshop will show how a proposed “Right to Clean and Healthy Waters” Constitutional Amendment can help provide this framework and provide significant climate action in Florida. Specifically, wetlands are a critical means of mitigating the causes and impacts of climate change. Any sound climate policy in Florida would aim to protect wetlands. This workshop will (1) Explain and illustrate the value of constitutional environmental rights. (2) Highlight the unparalleled ability of wetlands to sequester and store carbon and to provide storm and flood protection. (3) Explain and illustrate (through current personal experience) how a proposed Constitutional “Right to Clean and Healthy Waters” can protect Florida’s wetlands during a time of weakened federal protections, legislative challenges, and intense development pressure.” |
Bill Bilodeau | The New Story: This PPT presentation will show how we are moving from a static vision of the universe to one in which the universe is in constant dynamic change and evolution. We will highlight who the new storytellers of the universe have been in the recent past and the current ones leading the way. This great story has potential relevance to all aspects of our lives. |
Skylar Wilson | Preparing for the Cosmic Mass: We will start with an overview of the philosophy, cosmology, and history of the Cosmic Mass ritual; followed by going into the practical details including the flow and production for the Cosmic Mass on March 23rd at the Coliseum. |
Beverly G. Ward | A Friendly Guide to Perma[nent] Culture: This workshop introduces the domains and ethical and design principles of permaculture with a link to spiritual or humanist practices. |
Gabriel Morgan | Care of Creation in Christian Liturgy: Provide liturgical and theological for recognizing Earth Day on Easter Sunday |
Tim Sallin | 1000 Plots of Life – Rewilding Florida: Rewilding Florida’s Landscapes to support biodiversity, preserve natural resources and reconnect communities to nature. |
Aryaana Khan | Climate Justice and Eco-Poetry: In this workshop, we will delve into the meaning of climate justice through poetry and explore our own climate stories more deeply through guided writing and share-out sessions! |
Orla O’Reilly Hazra, PhD | The Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty: This workshop will demonstrate how the Florida Legislature can endorse this Treaty which requires nations to phase out fossil fuels, transition to renewal energy, and do it in an equitable manner. |
Julia Herbst | Want to go solar?- and Paying for It: The way humans generate, use, and move electricity can advance our mission with local, life sustaining investment or it can weigh us down with crushing bills and a power system that strains community. Installing rooftop solar is one way we can build an equitable energy system that benefits our pockets, our people, and our planet. While you grapple with the ‘Why’ of going solar, Solar United Neighbors can help with the ‘How’. We’ll share the basics of how solar works and the process of procurement, economics and installation, so tax exempt organizations can make informed decisions on their solar journey. |
Gwen Reese | African-American Heritage Tour ($20 Due on Tour) |
Emmanuel Roux | The 15th Street (Urban) Farm: Solutions for environmental challenges and community resilience |
Gwen Reese | Reclaiming the Commons: The Story of the Gas Light District: St Petersburg’s former Gas Plant District was ‘the price of progress’, one of thousands lost in our nation’s history. Neighborhoods were filled with people living their lives in homes, churches, schools and businesses. Children were watched over by their community before it was razed with false promises for an even better future. |
The Connection Partners | World Café: Sharing Our Intentions: Prior to a World Cafe, Gwen Reese, who was born and raised there, will give a short narrative, setting the stage for participants to imagine another expression of the historic district to be considered in the coming months.. |
The Connection Partners | Open Space: Planning Our Intentions |
Skylar Wilson | Setup for Cosmic Mass |
Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Fred Johnson | The Cosmic Mass: Our Sacred Earth at the Coliseum: An multisensory experience in music, visuals, expression, dance, and liturgy of grief, healing, communion, and celebration drawn from many religious and wisdom traditions that generates communal joy and wellbeing. |
Emmanuel Roux | Dinner @ 15th St EcoFarm ($45/60 seats) |
Thanks to our primary supporter, the Thriving Earth Exchange. Click here to see our project page on their site.