Climate Impact & Environmental Inequity: Towards Justice for All


Florida Interfaith Climate Actions Network (FL-iCAN!)

Fifth Annual Assembly
Friday & Saturday, February 1 & 2, 2019
The Callahan Center in Parramore, Orlando FL 32801

Host & Convener 

Florida Council of Churches 

IMAGINE… what you would like to accomplish that Friday and Saturday and into 2019 to affect policies in our water-enriched peninsula. 

There will be time to network with those from your bio-region and others around the state who are passionately collaborating to make a difference. 

We have success stories to tell!! And challenges to face.

We will offer a tour of the Parramore neighborhood, communication skills, with time for praise and celebrations for what’s been accomplished to address climate impact and environmental equity in Florida.

From FL-iCAN!’s first assembly, one goal has been to become more active participants in Florida’s democracy. We will create FL-iCAN! legislative plans and expand the FL-iCAN! Affiliates Initiative.

You are invited to join the Florida Interfaith Climate Actions Network Google, a space for exchange of information among members of FL-ICAN. All you need to do is include in the To: of your email. 

Together, we can organize around our concerns and improve where we live.